
Riviera Home


Riviera Home" is one of the worlds leading flooring brands and we are truly one of a very few manufacturers in the world who genuinely make and distribute a totally bio-degradable, eco-friendly carpets made from 100% natural and renewable resources.

Riviera Home" currently offers 5 styles and 30 colour options of carpet that can be used for either wall-to-wall installation or area rugs. All of our Eco Friendly ranges are stylish, durable, high-quality floorings which are totally biodegradable and made from completely renewable resources, so if you really care about the Earth or simply have allergies and sensitivities to indoor air pollution created by oil based floorings, look no further than Rivieras Eco Collections.

Riviera Homes" Eco Collections are made from 100% natural Wool. All of our wools are totally natural, with no added chemicals, dyestuffs, moth proofing or stain blocking treatments used.

We achieve the stylish colours used in our ranges by carefully blending various types of wools from renewal resources and wool itself has great natural anti-soiling properties.

We then weave our carpets either on traditional handlooms or high technology tufted machines using natural jute and cotton, materials that are again from sustainable and renewable resources. The final finishing process of our carpets and rugs uses natural latex straight from the rubber tree so again no nasty chemicals used and no VOC used in our products.

When it comes to production waste or the ultimate disposal of our carpets at the end of their useful life cycle, our carpets can either be recycled or will naturally bio-degrade in the earth.Our carpets will bio-degrade in a period of just 1-5 years without adding back into the earth any harmful chemicals.

Typically 90% or more of the carpets made today in the world by other manufacturers are made using Nylon, Polypropylene or Polyester fibres, which are all derived from oil. These carpets will typically take up to 500 years to break-down in the soil.

Riviera Home" Eco Friendly carpet collections are sold exclusively in the UK through a carefully selected Authorised Dealer network of independent retailers who can advise you further on our products and also see that they are installed in your home to the highest possible standards.

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